it’s not common, but once in a while you will come across an error like this “The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed“, causes of this are very, it’s very easy to fix it too, here are some list of reasons:
- Admin deleted Computer object in AD
- System restored, which is a different machine account password than AD
- Machine imaged and restored
- object corruption in AD
- AD policy disables a computer after x number of days
You will get a message like this:

If you are logged into the computer local user, you can test by running the PowerShell command
command: Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Server NameOfDomainController
In this example, it’s showing true, but if you are having an issue you would get false

To fix it:
You can reset it by running a PowerShell command:
Command: Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Credential YourDomainName\YourDomainAdmin

or you can rest from Domain Controller

Another way is to disjoin from the domain and re-join it
If you get this on your network status: Unauthenticated
That means your PC to domain controller lost trust

You can try running the repair command to fix it
When you run Test-ComputerSecureChannel and get the result False, which means your computer lost trust in your domain controller
The repair command will fix, it without restarting your computer, it will prompt you for domain admin credential:
Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair -Credential (Get-Credential)
You may need to restart the network adaptor to take effect
command: Restart-NetAdapter *
note: * means all networks will restart, if you have more than one you can use -Name and Name of your adaptor

Hope that helped you out with your issue