How to upgrade osTicket to v1.15.1

osTicket v1.15.1 is released on Dec 7, 2020, its open-source ticket system. You can find full release notes at For osTicket version v1.15.1 PHP version PHP 7.2-7.4 the process is the same as before just make sure you have a good backup of the database and osTicket files.

a couple of new plugins added for v1.15:
2FA Google Authenticator
Authentication Password Policy

The Upgrade process is very simple, I am doing 1.14.3 to 1.15.1

  • Make sure you have a good backup of the Database and files of osTicket
  • Then put the system in the offline mode: by going to the URL of your osTicket support ticket /scp/settings.php
  • Download the new version from and choose the osTicket Core, v1.15.1 (Latest Release) don’t download any Languages or plugins, you can add them after to void issues with the upgrade process.
  • Upload to your server v. 1.15.1 and replace current files/folders from the Upload folder from your downloaded, and exclude the script folder/files. Also, Maintain the directory hierarchy any changes could cause an issue with the upgrade process or something might not work well.
    • Optional: Script folder only needed if you are using remote piping, so if you are not using remote piping you don’t need to upload.
  • Make sure NOT to replace your \include\ost-config.php which does not include in the download.

This is my current version: v1.14.3

Make sure you have the correct permission, then go to the URL/SCP of the osTicket system and log in, you should see osTicket Upgrader, make sure your Prerequisites are all good, if any errors correct it, then click Start Upgrade Now

This version makes changes to database, click Upgrade Now

If everything goes well you should see Upgrade Completed!

After the installation

Delete the /setup folder and update any customization you may have, test it, then once all is good you can put the system back online. Also, remove the write permission to \include\ost-config.php to secure your config. If you have customized PHP core files, those need to be re-applied after the upgrade. Also, make sure your plugins are good, if needed upgrade do so, make sure it supported version. Good luck

You can check the System Logs to see if there were any errors:

If you look at your Dashboard Information, it should show Up to date

If you still need more info you can check out their official documentation:

How to upgrade osTicket to 1.14.1

osTicket v1.14.1 is released today November 21, 2019, it’s open-source ticket system. You can find full release notes at For osTicket version 1.14.1 PHP version 7.0 to 7.3, 7.3 is recommended. The process is the same as before just make sure you have a good backup of database and osTicket files.

The Upgrade process is very simple, I am doing 1.12 to 1.14.1

  • Make sure you have a good backup of Database and files of osTicket
  • Then put the system in the offline mode: by going to URL of your osTicket support ticket /scp/settings.php
  • Download the new version from and choose the osTicket Core, v1.14.1 (Latest Release) don’t download any Languages or plugins, you can add them after to void issues with the upgrade.
  • Upload to your server v. 1.14.1 and replace current files/folders from the Upload folder from your downloaded, and exclude the script folder/files. Also, Maintain the directory hierarchy any changes could cause an issue with the upgrade process or something might not work well.
    • Optional: Script folder only needed if you are using remote piping, so if you are not using remote piping don’t upload.
  • Make sure NOT to replace your \include\ost-config.php which does not include in the download.

Make sure you have the correct permission, then go to the URL/SCP of the osTicket system and log in, you should see osTicket Upgrader, make sure your Prerequisites are all good, if any errors correct it, then click Start Upgrade Now

Then you will get Migrate to osTicket v1.14.1, click Upgrade now
My screenshot shows 1.14 because at the time 1.14.1 was not out. If you were to do an upgrade from 1.14 to 1.14.1 there is no database change so you will not see the upgrade screen.

If everything goes well you should see Upgrade Completed! screen

After the installation

Delete the /setup folder and update any customization you may have, test it, then once all is good you can put the system back online. Also, remove the write permission to \include\ost-config.php to secure your config. If you have customized PHP core files, those need to be re-applied after the upgrade. Also, make sure your plugins are good, if needed upgrade do so, make sure it supported version. Good luck

Also make sure to enable new feature Link and Merge tickets, by default it’s off

If you are looking at a list of open tickets you will see two new options:

Link: The ability to link tickets and Merge – the ability to merge tickets

Documentation on how to use it:

If you have click on the ticket, then option for Link and Merge ticket are shown when clicked on the arrow next to gear icon:

Official documentation:
Link to: Changelog and Community forum:

How to upgrade osTicket to 1.12

osTicket v1.12 is released on April 24, 2019, it’s open source ticket system. You can find full release notes at For osTicket version 1.12 PHP version 5.6 to 7.2, 7.2 is recommended.

Upgrade process is very simple, I am doing 1.10.4 to 1.12

  • Make sure you have a good backup of Database and files of osTicket
  • Then put the system in the offline mode: by going to /scp/settings.php
  • Download the new version from and choose the osTicket Core, v1.12 (Latest Release)
  • Upload to your server v. 1.12 and replace current files/folders from Upload folder from your downloaded, and exclude the script folder/files

Make sure you have the correct permission, then go to the URL/SCP of the osTicket system and log in, you should see osTicket Upgrader, make sure your Prerequisites are all good, if any errors correct it, then click Start Upgrade Now

Then you will get Migrate to osTicket v1.12, click Upgrade now

Then if everything goes well you should see Upgrade Completed

Delete the /setup folder and update any customization you may have, test it, then once all is good you can put the system back online. If you have customized PHP core files, those need to be re-applied after the upgrade. Also, make sure your plugins are good, if needed upgrade do so, make sure it supports the ent version. Good luck

Share files with encryption via Firefox send

Sharing files is very common these days, but is it safe and secure? Firefox has been testing for a while and now it’s an officially released a couple of days ago at, it’s free up to 1GB without setting up an account, with a free account it gives 2.5 GB. It’s very easy to use for anyone who is looking to share big files that can’t be sent via email. Best thing is it doesn’t stay on the server forever, so no need to worry about, your data out there, it automatically generates a link and you choose how long it should stay shared then deletes it automatically. It’s a free encrypted file transfer service that allows users to safely and you can use any browser, you can use Firebox browser.

Here is how it looks like, all you have to do is go to URL: Then drag and drop files or click on the select file to upload

Once the file is uploaded, you will get default option for your files to be Expires after 1 download or 1 day. You can change to up to 100 download or 7 days. Also, you get an option to put a password as well. Then click on Upload to generate the link.

It will generate the link to be share, which you can copy and paste it to your email whom you want to share your files with.

Based on your selection, you will see options, when your files will be expires. You will have option to copy link in case you forget to copy.

That’s it, very easy secure way to share big files, you can read about Firefox Privacy Notice for more info your secure files share via Firefox.

How to setup OpenSupports Ticket System

OpenSupports is an open source ticket system, very simple to setup and use. Here I will go through setting up step by step. I am assuming you have your server is set up with correct permission. You will need to able to create database and upload installation files to your server. The installation has 7 steps it will go through and check requirements, and settings as it goes to the next step. This one is a very very simple Ticket system.

Server Requirements

PHP 5.6+
MySQL 4.1+
PDO Extension
Apache 2.4+

Installation of OpenSupports

You can start by downloading the OpenSupports ticket system from

Once you have download the OpenSupports ticket system, then upload to your server and go to URL of your OpenSupports, you should see Step 1 of 7 Select the language and click Next

Then it will check for the Server requirements, if you see any error or missing requirement, install it then click Refresh, once all good, then click Next

You can fill in MySQL server info, at this point create a database if you have not yet, then fill in info below and click Next

  • MySQL database name: this can be left blank and it will generate automatic
  • MySQL server port (this can be left blank (default port is 3306)
  • MySQL user:
  • MySQL password:

Then select the option if you want your user to access and be able to register it, it’s toggle on/off, make selection, then click Next

Fill in the name of your ticket system, Check box if you want your user to attach a file to ticket and email server info (option to confirm SMTP connection test, to make sure your email server can communicate), then click Next

Admin account name, email and password, fill in info, make sure it’s strong and keep it safe, you will use this account to make changes to your system. Once you have filled in info, click Next
Then it will go through installation and redirect to login page

This is login page where you will enter your admin login info you choose in your last step.
User URL will be yourdomain
Admin URL will be yourdomain/admin

Once you are logged in you will see Dashboard of your new Ticket System, where you can make changes, add user/agents, etc…

That’s it, very simple ready to use your OpenSupports open source ticket system. If you are looking for more feature you can use another open source ticket system called osTickets, I have written a post on how to install osTicket on Ubuntu, enjoy it