How to upgrade osTicket to 1.12

osTicket v1.12 is released on April 24, 2019, it’s open source ticket system. You can find full release notes at For osTicket version 1.12 PHP version 5.6 to 7.2, 7.2 is recommended.

Upgrade process is very simple, I am doing 1.10.4 to 1.12

  • Make sure you have a good backup of Database and files of osTicket
  • Then put the system in the offline mode: by going to /scp/settings.php
  • Download the new version from and choose the osTicket Core, v1.12 (Latest Release)
  • Upload to your server v. 1.12 and replace current files/folders from Upload folder from your downloaded, and exclude the script folder/files

Make sure you have the correct permission, then go to the URL/SCP of the osTicket system and log in, you should see osTicket Upgrader, make sure your Prerequisites are all good, if any errors correct it, then click Start Upgrade Now

Then you will get Migrate to osTicket v1.12, click Upgrade now

Then if everything goes well you should see Upgrade Completed

Delete the /setup folder and update any customization you may have, test it, then once all is good you can put the system back online. If you have customized PHP core files, those need to be re-applied after the upgrade. Also, make sure your plugins are good, if needed upgrade do so, make sure it supports the ent version. Good luck

How to increase attachment size in osTicket

How to attach bigger attachment in osTicket ticket system? The default setting is set to small or maybe what your web server support. If your web server already set to allow bigger attachment, then you can do it via osTicket settings page. If you have access to the server to make changes to your PHP.ini file then it’s very easy to do.

This is what your settings might look like:

If your server php.ini file has already change then go to your osTicket /scp/settings.php at the bottom of the page you will see Attachment Storage and Settings, where you will see whatever your web server maximum set to.

Editing php.ini look for upload_max_filesize= change to whatever you like.

If you have increased via editing the PHP.ini file to higher you will get more options

You will need to restart your web services to get updated settings. That’s it, enjoy bigger attachments to your support ticket system osTicket, Thank you osTicket team.

How to setup OpenSupports Ticket System

OpenSupports is an open source ticket system, very simple to setup and use. Here I will go through setting up step by step. I am assuming you have your server is set up with correct permission. You will need to able to create database and upload installation files to your server. The installation has 7 steps it will go through and check requirements, and settings as it goes to the next step. This one is a very very simple Ticket system.

Server Requirements

PHP 5.6+
MySQL 4.1+
PDO Extension
Apache 2.4+

Installation of OpenSupports

You can start by downloading the OpenSupports ticket system from

Once you have download the OpenSupports ticket system, then upload to your server and go to URL of your OpenSupports, you should see Step 1 of 7 Select the language and click Next

Then it will check for the Server requirements, if you see any error or missing requirement, install it then click Refresh, once all good, then click Next

You can fill in MySQL server info, at this point create a database if you have not yet, then fill in info below and click Next

  • MySQL database name: this can be left blank and it will generate automatic
  • MySQL server port (this can be left blank (default port is 3306)
  • MySQL user:
  • MySQL password:

Then select the option if you want your user to access and be able to register it, it’s toggle on/off, make selection, then click Next

Fill in the name of your ticket system, Check box if you want your user to attach a file to ticket and email server info (option to confirm SMTP connection test, to make sure your email server can communicate), then click Next

Admin account name, email and password, fill in info, make sure it’s strong and keep it safe, you will use this account to make changes to your system. Once you have filled in info, click Next
Then it will go through installation and redirect to login page

This is login page where you will enter your admin login info you choose in your last step.
User URL will be yourdomain
Admin URL will be yourdomain/admin

Once you are logged in you will see Dashboard of your new Ticket System, where you can make changes, add user/agents, etc…

That’s it, very simple ready to use your OpenSupports open source ticket system. If you are looking for more feature you can use another open source ticket system called osTickets, I have written a post on how to install osTicket on Ubuntu, enjoy it

osTicket email settings

How to set up an email on an osTicket ticket system, setting up an email to create tickets and get a response back on a ticket system. It’s very easy to set up and to make the changes in case you need to if your support email changes. Here I will list a few email settings for you and you will get an idea, it’s similar you just have to check your email server requirements. Make sure you have the regular email address for your support email. It does not work with shared or forward.

Common settings::

  • Hostname: your email server FQDN
  • Port number: this can be different based on what your account setting is
  • Mail Box Protocol: this would be combined with the Port number, based on your account
  • Fetch Frequency: this can be whatever you like starting from 1 Minute
  • Email per Fetch: how many emails do you want to pull at once, this can also be from 1 to whatever
  • Fetched Emails: What happens once it creates a ticket, this should be set to move to a folder or delete, if you set it to Do nothing, you will have issues
  • Header Spoofing: some have off and some have it on

Incoming and Outgoing email:

Make sure you have email Fetching enabled for incoming emails, otherwise, by default, it will only pull emails when Agent is logged in to the system

For Outgoing email, make sure to set your support email address default as None: Use the PHP mail function

It’s under Emails>Settings
Make sure your Email Login Information is correct

Gmail settings:

This can be different based on your Gmail account settings, so check your Gmail settings and make sure to have the correct hostname, port, protocol, etc… Header spoofing is not needed.

Authentication “Yes” / MTA set as default SMTP account / PORT – 587

If you are using (G Suite) or 2FA settings you will need to create an app password:

Log in to your Gmail account and access the following link
Go to security and click the app password.
Select the app or Give a custom name that makes sense to you and click generate, now use that app-specific password in your osTicket system.

In some cases, you might need to force to use TLS, in that case, you can use the hostname as: tls://


  • Hostname:
  • Port Number: 993
  • Mail Box Protocol: IMAP + SSL
  • Fetch Frequency: 1 minute (s)
  • Emails Per Fetch: 30
  • Fetched Emails: Move to folder: TicketsOrWhateverName

Microsoft office 365:

make sure your hostname and ports are correct
Hostname: or
Ports:587 or 993 or 25

For Synology NAS: You will need to setup Cron Job:
/usr/local/bin/YourPHPVerison /volume1/web/osticket/upload/api/cron.php

Check the logs to find more details of osTicket under /scp/logs.php
Web server, email server, Apache, etc… Many times hostname, ports, or protocol are mixed up or typos could cause the email not to work. You might have firewall issues or IP blocking. Hope this help out someone out there

Also, FYI: Ports information

IMAP uses port 143
But if you use SSL/TLS encrypted IMAP uses port 993

POP uses port 110
But if you use SSL/TLS encrypted POP uses port 995

SMTP uses port 25
But if you use SSL/TLS encrypted SMTP uses port 587 (formerly 465)


How to upgrade osTicket to 1.11

update: this version no longer support please use 1.12 or latest

Finally, osTicket v1.11 is released open source ticket system, it has lots of new feature people been waiting for a long time. You can find official documents and a full list of all the features on here. Most important issues people had was PHP version too old in 1.10.4.  The osTicket v1.11 supports PHP version v5.6-v7.2.

How to upgrade from 1.10.4 to 1.11

  1. Make sure you have a good backup of Database and files of osTicket
  2. Then put the system in the offline mode: by going to /scp/settings.php
  3. Download the new version from and choose the osTicket Core, v1.11 (Latest Release)
  4. Upload to your server v. 1.11 and replace current files/folders from Upload folder from your downloaded, and exclude the script folder/files
  5. Make sure you have the correct permission, then go to the URL/SCP of the osTicket system and login, you should see osTicket Upgrader, make sure your Prerequisites are all good, if any errors correct it, then click Start Upgrade Now
  6. Then you should see Apply updates to database stream: core, click Upgrade Now
  7. If everything went well you should see Upgrade Completed

  8. Delete the /setup folder and update any customization you may have, test it, then once all is good you can put the system back online

That’s it if you have customized PHP core files, those needs to be re-applied after the upgrade. Also, make sure your plugins are good, if needed upgrade do so, make sure it supports the new version. one more thing, if using Language packs, you can find them at the osTicket website, those do needs to be updated.   You will find many solutions to the problem in a forum where people report and help out each other. Please read your error message and logs of your system web server, PHP, osTicket, it gives many ideas about why things are not working. Many of them due to the PHP version not supported. If you were to get help from the forum, please include your system information, like osTicket, PHP version, web server, and remember forum support is free, so don’t order/demand to fix your issues.  They do offer paid support if you wish to pay for it.  Thank you very much to the osTicket team for their hard work on keeping osTicket System up to date.