Hyper-V cluster is a very common business network uses, which allows system admin to do system updates, without having any downtime. There are times when VM (Virtual Machine) are created for a test or just got upgraded and left to be deleted later on. Cleaning up old VM will free up the storage space. In this post I will have steps on deleting VM from Hyper-V cluster, before deleting, check the location of the VM because deleting from the Cluster server, will not free up the storage, you will need to delete it manually. You can see the location of the VM by going to settings of the VM and select the Disk, it will display full path where your VM disk is stored.
Open Failover Cluster Manager, then click on Roles, you should see list of VM’s, select the one you want to delete, then right on it and select Remove.
You will get confirmation message, make sure it’s the correct VM, then click Yes, The VM will be removed from the Cluster.
Then go to Hyper-V host where VM was running from, so you can remove from list
Confirmation are you sure you want to delete, if it’s correct VM you are deleting click Delete.
Now the VM is deleted from Cluster and remove from Hyper-V host, it’s time to delete the VM disk, by going to the location you looked at before you deleted the VM. That should give you back the storage space. That’s it, you get an error check the windows log or application log, it will give you more info.
By mistaken you have deleted good VM and if you still have the VM disk, you can still bring it back online. As long as VM disk is not deleted from the Hyper-V it would be a very easy restore. Option 1 if you have not deleted VM from Hyper-V if you have deleted from Hyper-V follow option 2 after selecting VM from the Cluster Role.
Option 1
Open Failover Cluster Manager
Right click on the Roles>choose Configure Role …
Then you may get this default message: click next
Select the Virtual Machine, then click Next
Then you will see your deleted VM here: select it and click Next
If you don’t see the VM go to Option 2
Confirmation, Click Next
If everything goes well you should see success message with summary, if you want to see details click on View Report or click Finish.
Options 2
If you deleted VM and removed the Hyper-V host then you not see here, then you will need to add VM as new and use the same Disk
Adding new VM to Cluster with existing disk
Select the Cluster node (Hyper-V host), then click ok
Then you may see the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next
Then the VM to whatever you like, then click Next
Select the Generation of the VM:
Then set Memory and click Next
Select networking from list, then click Next
At this screen you will select the use an existing virtual hard disk, then click Next
You should see the Summary of new VM, if everything is good, click Finish
If everything goes well, you should see the Success message, click View Report for details or click Finish
That’s it, you should see your recovered VM back in the Cluster
How to install Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop fresh using Hyper-V manager on Windows 10 Pro to Quick Create. There are many ways to install it, this process is very simple, you could do manual, which requires you to download the Ubuntu 18.04 image, then go through the process of installation. This will give you options to use your Ubuntu virtual desktop and get a feel of Linux system, when not in use, turn it off, so it goes not take resources of your system.
Open your Hyper-V Manger
Right click on Hyper-V host and choose Quick Create …
Then you will get option to select the Operating system, choose Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and click Craete Virtual Machine. If you want to rename your VM, you could click on More options or you can rename later.
Then it will go through downloading the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image, depending on your internet speed it may take awhile.
Then it will go through the automatic process of creating VM:
Verifying image
Extracting disk from an image archive
Creating a Hard drive
Virtual machine create successfully
Then you should see option to connect to your new Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop, click Connect
Click on Power button or Start to turn on your Ubuntu 18.04 server
You should see starting and then Welcome screen. Select your Language then click Continue
Select Keyboard layout, then click Continue
Select your Timezone, then click Continue
Fill in the login info, this would be admin account to login to your server, then click Continue
Then it will go through the System configuration automatically
Then you should see login screen enter your user/password created earlier
You should see your New Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop, it gives you few tips on What’s new in Ubuntu, go though and start using your Ubuntu Virtual desktop.
You can start using your Ubuntu 18.04 virtual desktop, see tips and tricks of common things you may find helpful, if this is your first time use of Ubuntu system.
Tips and Tricks:
Remove icon from favorites
Just right click icon you want to remove and choose Remove from Favorites
Opened applications
You will see little dot next to the application, you tell you that application is open.
More than one Application open
You will see more than one little dots, if you click on it, it will give you thumb nail view of and you will be able to switch it or close the application.
To see all opened Applications
Click on the Activities and it will give you thumbnail view of all opened applications, you can switch to it, or close it by click on X.
To see Applications
You can click on 9 dotted icon bottom left hand side, you will see all application or Frequent used
Software – where you can install new applications
Software & Updates – Where you can install updates and third-part software options
Startup Application – gives you list of application at start of your Ubuntu system
Settings – list of all settings like control panel
Files – your documents or personal files
Rhythmbox – is default music player
Shutdown Ubuntu Virtual Machine
Click on the Arrow on top left, you will see Power icon, if you want to just lock it, click on Lock icon.
When you click on Power icon it will give you option to Restart/Power off or cancel
Change User info
If you need to change user name or any setting, click on the Arrow next to your user name it will give you option to make changes
Change default applications
Click on Settings>Default Applications>Then change it to what you like
How to fix the Dell PowerEdge server error “iDRAC6 communication Failure” and maybe get “power required may exceed PSU wattage” on the Dell PowerEdge server. Server internal fans running full speed, but everything else is normal storage, networking, CPU, Hard etc… Very strange, not reported any issue what so ever. Restarting server did not fix the issue. Looked at some blogs saying need to change iDRAC card, replace mother board, etc… It may be in your case if you have anything internal failed component.
Here are some screen shots of the error message I seen.
Firmware version 12.10.1-0001iDRAC6 Communication Failure, Power required my exceed PSU wattage
Hope it help others out there, please use this guide at your own risk, if you are getting any internal component failed this may not fix your issues and restarting server without fixing component may cause more issues.
OpenSupports is an open source ticket system, very simple to setup and use. Here I will go through setting up step by step. I am assuming you have your server is set up with correct permission. You will need to able to create database and upload installation files to your server. The installation has 7 steps it will go through and check requirements, and settings as it goes to the next step. This one is a very very simple Ticket system.
Once you have download the OpenSupports ticket system, then upload to your server and go to URL of your OpenSupports, you should see Step 1 of 7 Select the language and click Next
Then it will check for the Server requirements, if you see any error or missing requirement, install it then click Refresh, once all good, then click Next
You can fill in MySQL server info, at this point create a database if you have not yet, then fill in info below and click Next
MySQL database name: this can be left blank and it will generate automatic
MySQL server port (this can be left blank (default port is 3306)
MySQL user:
MySQL password:
Then select the option if you want your user to access and be able to register it, it’s toggle on/off, make selection, then click Next
Fill in the name of your ticket system, Check box if you want your user to attach a file to ticket and email server info (option to confirm SMTP connection test, to make sure your email server can communicate), then click Next
Admin account name, email and password, fill in info, make sure it’s strong and keep it safe, you will use this account to make changes to your system. Once you have filled in info, click Next Then it will go through installation and redirect to login page
This is login page where you will enter your admin login info you choose in your last step. User URL will be yourdomain Admin URL will be yourdomain/admin
Once you are logged in you will see Dashboard of your new Ticket System, where you can make changes, add user/agents, etc…
That’s it, very simple ready to use your OpenSupports open source ticket system. If you are looking for more feature you can use another open source ticket system called osTickets, I have written a post on how to install osTicket on Ubuntu, enjoy it